
A poem composed and written by the Red Phoenix. Gives me such an honor to share it with you.

My place is in hitherto uncharted territories


“The sky’s the limit,”
My mom says
“Aim for the moon,”
My dad says

My expectations are high
But I still want to be
The bird that learns how to fly

Opportunities are limitless
Barriers can be broken down
Time won’t be on our side
To help save the memories stolen

The world is my stage
And I am a beacon of light
Called to clear all darkness
With God’s holy name

I choose to let go of the railing
The doubts and the no’s
The disbelief written all over their faces
I want to let it all go

With one push
Both hands off
Suspended mid-air

– Red Phoenix

Year 2020


I’m absolutely delighted to post this piece from my daughter……the better version of me by all standards!

Many people think 2020 should be forgotten, but this is actually the most important year of our lives. This is the year that will force us to overcome the spirit of slumber. This is the year that yells for us to acknowledge the pain that people of color have to endure. This is the year that forces us to identify the different point of views that have been ignored because we refuse to embrace equality and change. This is the year that fuels the passion within, waiting for the moment to build up and pour out onto the streets…

Into the hearts of the Justice System….

Into the hearts of our everyday neighbors.

The heart of humanity.

This is the year that all voices will rise up while the passion behind the words will touch every soul on the earth. This is the year that we will stand up and march alongside each other to the beat of our hearts. The same hearts that were created by our lord Jesus Christ. This is the year of hope; the year to remember!

Written by Red Phoenix